Ep.#1 L.I.F.E. SUPPORT Podcast with Pastor Jimmie Baker – IDENTITY


WE ARE SO EXCITED to share with you our VERY FIRST L.I.F.E. (Living In Full Expectation) SUPPORT Podcast episode, Entitled: “IDENTITY!!!”
In this episode we feature caller: Bradley King (Colorado Springs, Colorado), as he chats it up with Pastor Baker about their unique perspectives of identity, and how it is extremely necessary to walk in your own.


OR FOR MORE PODCASTS, TAP/CLICK “6th & Lincrest” icon.

“I can’t afford to have thoughts in my head about me that God doesn’t have in His.”

~Bill Johnson

This Podcast also features The Voice of The Martyrs  and some cool Lifeline Productions Christian comedy skits. As a bonus, We close with the song of the day, Entitled: “I Can’t” by: The Muzik Director (Available NOW on ALL ONLINE retailers).

Friends and Family, it is truly a Blessing and an Honor to be able to bring this Podcast to you… and we sincerely thank you for your continued loving listening support. FOR MORE ABOUT US, just TAP or CLICK:  We Family Radio and/or Life Without Limits International Church.

We Love You!!! And we pray that you and yours have a Beautiful and Blessed day in The Lord!!!
